Nazi Statements about the Nuremberg Laws in A Jewish Newspaper Nazi Statements about the Nuremberg Laws in A Jewish Newspaper Source: C.V Zeitung , 5 December 1935 Authentic Statements on the Nuremberg Laws The publication of the Nuremberg Laws regulations was accompanied by [a variety of] commentaries in the press. The Minister of Interior, Dr. Frick, published one of the most significant statements in the 'German Legal Review'. We will cite those parts of the article that have direct bearing on us: The Reich Citizenship Law and the Law for the Protection of German Blood, as well as the regulations for the implementation of the law, do not aim to disinherit the members of the Jewish race solely due to their racial origin. The Jews should not be denied the possibility of existence in Germany. However, only the German people will determine the German destiny in the future.... As German blood will be the condition for German citizenship, no Jew can be a German citizen. The also holds for members of other races whose blood is not related to the German, such as gypsies and blacks. The decision whether someone is a Jew or a Mischling (of mixed race) is fundamentally dependent on his blood. Dr. Loesener, the Division Head, discussed the same issue in his article 'The Principal Problems of the Nuremberg Racial Laws and the First Regulation', published in the 'Reich Administration Review'. In the first part of the article, he defines citizenship and citizenship law, describing historical developments. In the second part of his article, he goes on to discuss the question of blood. He then analyses the terms 'Aryan', 'German', 'blood related' 'of German origin' and 'of foreign origin', and says the following in a sub-section entitled 'The Jewish question in particular': The Jewish question in Germany is exclusively a racial question. There is no need to repeat how this has come about. The question now is only how to solve the problem. Decisive steps toward such a solution have already been undertaken, as this is a fundamental prerequisite for the reconstruction of the new Reich. It is the will of the Fuehrer that the Nuremeberg Laws should not be measures by which to foster and perpetuate racial hatred, but should regulate the relations between the German and the Jewish nations... If Germany today takes legal measures to force the Jews into a secluded life in every possible way, if it turns the reversal of assimilation into reality, racial hatred will disappear, and a healthy sentiment will eventually emerge on both sides, free of emotion…. This clear and composed mutual recognition can alone lead to a tolerable coexistence of both peoples in the same state. It will take some time to heal this surgical incision that finally separates the two. By then the evils of the Jewish people's assimilation, which put the life of the German people in danger, will disappear, and future generations will be grateful for what we have achieved. For the Jews, at the same time, this legal separation means protection by law, because in the future they will live in the German space, within the boundaries defined by the state. This, however, does not give them the status of a national minority as defined by international law…' Minister Dr. Frank, head of German Lawyers' Front, addressed the same question in his speech to the German Academy of Law on 1 December 1935: With the Nuremberg laws, a revolutionary development has taken place in Germany, and has reached a conclusion for the time being. I can only repeat that the Jews in Germany will be able to earn a living and live completely undisturbed, as a Jewish circle. However, we, on the other hand, will have to create legal protections to sever any contacts with this racially alien people. According to a report of the Voelkischer Beobachter, minister and President of the German Academy of Law, Dr. Frank, spoke at a conference of the German chapter…of the International Law Association. After a brief description of the significance and tasks of the International Law Association, he delineated five conditions for German collaboration with the association. The first of these was: In the future no Jew will be allowed to represent German legal science, German legal schooling or the German legal point of view. In this respect, other countries will also have to learn not to regard Jews who pretend to speak the German language as representatives of the German people.'